June 06, 2024

KaCSFFS Summer Picnic!

The KaCSFFS picnic will be held on June 15, at 6:30 PM, at our usual meeting location, please email me at bob.j.clark (at) gmail.com if you need the address.

KaCSFFS will be cooking hamburgers and hotdogs.  We need someone to donate 24 hotdog buns (let us know if you plan to donate the buns, so we don't end up with too many!).  I'll volunteer to bring hamburger buns.  

Everyone else, please bring a side dish, if you're able.  (There'll be plenty of food, so don't miss out if you aren't able to bring one.)  If you're vegetarian or vegan, you may want to bring a main course for yourself, or even to share.  We should be able to put something on the grill for you if needed, although it'll be cooked in close proximity to the meat!

There will be indoor space for those who may find the heat to be too much, or in case of rain.  Also, we won't be supplying beverages, so please bring something for yourself and/or to share.  Please bring a chair if you can, we will have a few extras but not enough for everyone.

Please spread the word, we're hoping that lots of folks who would normally see each other at ConQuesT will be able to get together at the picnic this year!