Introducing a new "Reviews and Commentary" Tab!
Check the tabs above this post, and notice there's a new one available. We've been wanting to start a page such as this, featuring comments about, and reviews of, works in our spectrum of genres for a while, now!
The page will feature opinions on books, artwork, theatrical productions, music . . . any art form that our readers care to write about. The page debuts with commentary and a brief review of the movie John Carter, written by KAXFEN Ken Keller and David Sooby.
Green Men of All Sizes--and Friends--Are Welcome and NEEDED at the March 17 Meeting!
Come early to The Writers Place, if you want to park within easy walking distance! We'll be competing with The Hoolie (featuring The Elders) at the Uptown Theater at the other end of the block that night.
We have many important pieces of business and several pleasant diversions in store.
You don't have to be green (it's never easy), but please do WEAR green! And bring green food, too! Check out the recipes on the "Lehigh Valley Live" website, if you need inspiration!
Remember your delight as a little kid, when the wise adults in your home offered to tell or read a story? (If you have no such memories, we offer our sincere condolences for missing one of life's delights).
Recapture childhood glee with our program on Saturday!
KaCSFFS' own Bryan Schmidt, Sherri Dean, and Sarah Frost will read for about 15-20 minutes each, from one of their recent works of science fiction or fantasy.
Jim Murray also will read from one or more vintage issues of Cacophony, a fanzine/newsletter that he edited, and which was published by KaCSFFS for several years in the 1980s and 1990s.
No one particularly likes to pay dues, but annual dues are DUE in March. When you pay your dues, either online via the sidebar to the right, or in person at the meeting Saturday, they do three very important things for KaCSFFS members:
(1) They make us members-in-good-standing, when they are paid on time.
(2) They thereby allow us to run for, and vote for, our Board of Directors.
(3) They also thereby make us eligible for member-discounts at ConQuesT 43, both locations of Prospero's Books, Aquarius Books, Vulcan's Forge, and The Marrakech Cafe, when we show our current membership card.
Memberships for New Members and Renewals
We will have a separate room upstairs where members can pay dues and receive laminated membership cards for the current KaCSFFS fiscal year. Members who already have paid, either online or at the February meeting, also may pick up their cards.
YOU MUST BE A CARD-CARRYING CURRENT KACSFFS MEMBER TO VOTE FOR OFFICERS IN APRIL. No "voter fraud" allowed--show your card for a ballot!
This meeting also will be the next-to-last chance to buy a ConQuesT 43 membership in person, and get the club discount (We will sell discounted memberships at the April meeting, too). Online club discounts will be available through April 30
Last Chance to Declare Your Self-Nomination for the KaCSFFS Board!
In KaCSFFS, no one can nominate you but yourself--and the last chance to do so for the 2012 Election is Satuday's meeting! This is because of an Absentee Ballot provision being introduced with the new Bylaws that are required for the 501(c)3 application.
Under the new Bylaws, the five elective offices on the KaCSFFS Board of Directors are President (under the old Bylaws, this office was called Director), Secretary, Treasurer, Communications Officer (formerly Editor), and ConQuesT Chairperson for the planning year (in this case, that means the ConQuesT 44 Chairperson. John Platt IV will serve out the final month his Chairpersonship of ConQuesT 43, without having to run for the office he has been filling all year).
And About Those Bylaws:
The Provisional Draft of the 2012 KaCSFFS Bylaws, which will bring the club into compliance with the Legal Code of the State of Missouri for its 501(c)3 application will be presented for commentary and voting. The version provisionally approved (or not) will be subject to further modification, pending a review of the Provisional Draft by the KaCSFFS membership.
We have a Bylaws Committee that has been working on this draft since last year. Any member in good standing who wishes to join this committee for the Final Drafting process should speak to Committee Chairperson Jan S. Gephardt Saturday, and all suggestions for revisions that come up in the discussion before voting on provisional approval will be noted and acted upon during the Final Drafting process.
A final version, titled Bylaws of the Kansas City Science Fiction and Fantasy Society, Inc., and dated 2012, will be the subject of a straight up-or-down vote by the members at the May meeting.
Other Notes:
We will have "get well" cards available at the meeting to sign for Alex Boyd and Suzette Haden Elgin. Diana Bailey will have them upstairs at the membership table.
Robin W. Bailey will be clearing out bookshelf and garage space by setting up a book sales table near the refreshment area, and selling books from 5:15 until the business meeting starts at 6:30.
He says, "come a little early, check out what I've got on the table, and maybe find a few bargains. I'll have a selection of my own books and anthologies, as well."
PHOTO CREDITS: The St. Pat's Day party cupcake image came from Lehigh Valley Live. The recipe is there, too, along with several others that look fabulous. The photo of Bryan Thomas Schmidt came from the bio page on his website. The photo of Sarah Frost is from her Writertopia profile. The photo of Sherri Dean is her Profile Picture on Facebook. Jim Murray's photo came from his profile on GooglePlus. The "candidate" image is from the Dixie County elections web page, for Dixie County, FL. The "Bylaws Book" image is from the A.J. Whittenberg Elementary School of Engineering "ByLaws/Standing Rules" page. The "Book Sale image is from the Friends of the Batesville (IN) Memorial Library news page. Many thanks to all these sources for the use of these images!
The page will feature opinions on books, artwork, theatrical productions, music . . . any art form that our readers care to write about. The page debuts with commentary and a brief review of the movie John Carter, written by KAXFEN Ken Keller and David Sooby.
Green Men of All Sizes--and Friends--Are Welcome and NEEDED at the March 17 Meeting!
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Bring St. Pat's goodies to share! |
We have many important pieces of business and several pleasant diversions in store.
You don't have to be green (it's never easy), but please do WEAR green! And bring green food, too! Check out the recipes on the "Lehigh Valley Live" website, if you need inspiration!
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SF and F authors reading at the March 17, 2012 meeting, L-R: Bryan Thomas Schmidt, Sarah Frost, and Sherri Dean. |
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Jim Murray, A.K.A. Dr. Paisley, will be on hand to read from vintage issues of the KaCSFFS 'zine, Cacophony. |
Recapture childhood glee with our program on Saturday!
KaCSFFS' own Bryan Schmidt, Sherri Dean, and Sarah Frost will read for about 15-20 minutes each, from one of their recent works of science fiction or fantasy.
Jim Murray also will read from one or more vintage issues of Cacophony, a fanzine/newsletter that he edited, and which was published by KaCSFFS for several years in the 1980s and 1990s.
No one particularly likes to pay dues, but annual dues are DUE in March. When you pay your dues, either online via the sidebar to the right, or in person at the meeting Saturday, they do three very important things for KaCSFFS members:
(1) They make us members-in-good-standing, when they are paid on time.
(2) They thereby allow us to run for, and vote for, our Board of Directors.
(3) They also thereby make us eligible for member-discounts at ConQuesT 43, both locations of Prospero's Books, Aquarius Books, Vulcan's Forge, and The Marrakech Cafe, when we show our current membership card.
Memberships for New Members and Renewals
We will have a separate room upstairs where members can pay dues and receive laminated membership cards for the current KaCSFFS fiscal year. Members who already have paid, either online or at the February meeting, also may pick up their cards.
YOU MUST BE A CARD-CARRYING CURRENT KACSFFS MEMBER TO VOTE FOR OFFICERS IN APRIL. No "voter fraud" allowed--show your card for a ballot!
This meeting also will be the next-to-last chance to buy a ConQuesT 43 membership in person, and get the club discount (We will sell discounted memberships at the April meeting, too). Online club discounts will be available through April 30
Last Chance to Declare Your Self-Nomination for the KaCSFFS Board!
In KaCSFFS, no one can nominate you but yourself--and the last chance to do so for the 2012 Election is Satuday's meeting! This is because of an Absentee Ballot provision being introduced with the new Bylaws that are required for the 501(c)3 application.
Under the new Bylaws, the five elective offices on the KaCSFFS Board of Directors are President (under the old Bylaws, this office was called Director), Secretary, Treasurer, Communications Officer (formerly Editor), and ConQuesT Chairperson for the planning year (in this case, that means the ConQuesT 44 Chairperson. John Platt IV will serve out the final month his Chairpersonship of ConQuesT 43, without having to run for the office he has been filling all year).
And About Those Bylaws:
The Provisional Draft of the 2012 KaCSFFS Bylaws, which will bring the club into compliance with the Legal Code of the State of Missouri for its 501(c)3 application will be presented for commentary and voting. The version provisionally approved (or not) will be subject to further modification, pending a review of the Provisional Draft by the KaCSFFS membership.
We have a Bylaws Committee that has been working on this draft since last year. Any member in good standing who wishes to join this committee for the Final Drafting process should speak to Committee Chairperson Jan S. Gephardt Saturday, and all suggestions for revisions that come up in the discussion before voting on provisional approval will be noted and acted upon during the Final Drafting process.
A final version, titled Bylaws of the Kansas City Science Fiction and Fantasy Society, Inc., and dated 2012, will be the subject of a straight up-or-down vote by the members at the May meeting.
Other Notes:
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Help Robin W. Bailey clean out his bookshelves! |
Robin W. Bailey will be clearing out bookshelf and garage space by setting up a book sales table near the refreshment area, and selling books from 5:15 until the business meeting starts at 6:30.
He says, "come a little early, check out what I've got on the table, and maybe find a few bargains. I'll have a selection of my own books and anthologies, as well."
PHOTO CREDITS: The St. Pat's Day party cupcake image came from Lehigh Valley Live. The recipe is there, too, along with several others that look fabulous. The photo of Bryan Thomas Schmidt came from the bio page on his website. The photo of Sarah Frost is from her Writertopia profile. The photo of Sherri Dean is her Profile Picture on Facebook. Jim Murray's photo came from his profile on GooglePlus. The "candidate" image is from the Dixie County elections web page, for Dixie County, FL. The "Bylaws Book" image is from the A.J. Whittenberg Elementary School of Engineering "ByLaws/Standing Rules" page. The "Book Sale image is from the Friends of the Batesville (IN) Memorial Library news page. Many thanks to all these sources for the use of these images!
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